Zen Dog's Commercial Drive Private Dog Training

You have our undivided attention.

Group sessions aren’t the golden ticket for every dog owner on Commercial Drive. We totally get that vibe. Going the private coaching route eliminates the hustle of dodging traffic to make it on time, the commitment handcuffs of a multi-week course at the same old time and place, and the worry wrinkle that your pup might just not vibe in a pack setting. Maybe your furry friend has some unique quirks or there’s a specific trick you’re dying to teach that’s just not ‘one size fits all’. Some pups thrive in the serenity of their own space, feeling secure and focused. And hey, sometimes it’s about getting the whole fam jam involved in the learning fiesta.

We’ve mulled over all this. Truth be told, the magic really sparks when we get up close and personal with our clients.

Private Dog Coaching Within Commercial Drive

Our tailor-made coaching lets you chase down your training dreams without being shackled to a one-track curriculum. It’s just you and us – no clock watching required – diving deep with our 25 years of experience and a kaleidoscope of creative strategies that are as unique as your pup’s paw print.

Zoom Dog Training Sessions

Sometimes, the best gems come from a deep dive into a topic, where sage advice, smart management, and behavior tweaks come together in a masterpiece of problem-solving. For those curveballs that stray from the basic playbook, Zoom is our knight in shining armor! These one-hour powwows can be scheduled anytime, anywhere.

Single Private Dog Training Sessions

Got a burning query on a lone training topic or a simple behavioral hiccup that needs a pro eyeball? Our 75-minute one-offs are perfect for quick fixes needing a dash of guidance. Like all our private sessions, you’ll snag a follow-up email packed with homework, notes, and resources for the long haul. A week of follow-up calls and emails? Absolutely – we’re all about that support.

The Three Lesson Private Dog Training Package

Tailored for the dog parent with a concise goal list or a knotty behavioral issue craving a makeover plan and some short-term backup, this package is the crowd-pleaser! Commercial Drive clients snag a one-month intensive training plan and support, weaving exercises into their dog’s daily script.

It kicks off with a Zoom session to unpack your dog’s backstory, daily routines contributing to their antics, and strategize on management, gear, and learning theories. Then, we handcraft a training blueprint of foundational exercises for homework. These building blocks set the stage for the next two sessions, which unfold in person at your home/neighborhood or any spot that sets the scene for that week’s training goals.

The Five Lesson Private Dog Training Package

For those with a wider training wishlist needing more time under the mentorship umbrella! Ideal for rookie pet parents or fresh furry family additions in need of a comprehensive training roadmap for a stellar kickoff. Our five-lesson bundle offers a two-month intensive training plan and private coaching to embed new skills.

Starting with a Zoom session, we delve into your dog’s life story, daily dynamics influencing their behavior, and map out management tactics, tools, and learning theories before drafting a customized training itinerary. The journey continues over the next four sessions in person, at your pad/neighborhood, or wherever fits the week’s training theme.

The Eight Lesson Private Dog Training Package

Dive into the ultimate commitment to your dog’s lifelong behavior, training, and well-being – our flagship package! Here’s where our creative muscles and years of insight unite to sculpt the perfect, personalized training journey for you and your furry sidekick, exploring every aspect of achieving blissful coexistence.

With three months of mentorship, support, and structured lessons, Commercial Drive clients will emerge with a profound understanding of their dog’s needs, establishing and nurturing new habits, navigating behavioral challenges, and gifting their dog the essence of their best selves.

As with all our private lesson plans, we launch with a Zoom session to dissect your dog’s background, everyday habits impacting their conduct, and discuss management methods, equipment, and learning theories before laying down a bespoke training game plan. The adventure evolves across the next seven sessions, in person, at your spot/neighborhood, or any place fitting the week’s training agenda to guide you from “puppy pandemonium” to “serene sidekick.”