- Level Two
Working with our dog is a continual process. Much like working out at the gym, it is a journey that never really ends. The more time we devote to the practice, the closer we get to perfection. As with any skill – learning to be a fantastic dog handler/trainer or learning to be the best urban dog possible – practice is a must!
With what we teach our dogs, their skills move through four phases of learning: acquisition, generalization, fluency and maintenance. Learning does not stop after a six week class! In fact, it is only the beginning. And those final three phases of learning take a lot of practice!
Enter our Skills and Drills Power Hour.
This is the class we are most proud of! Our Skills and Drills class is devoted to our students who have put in the hours of hard work building a solid foundation in their dog and now want to flex their skills through proofing exercises to generalize those learned behaviors and bring them into the fluency and maintenance phase of training.
The Skills and Drills Power Hour is big and fun and dynamic; designed to strengthen the human/dog bond, and improve handler knowledge and dog skills. You and your dog will come home tired!
We work on toy play, duration in stationary behaviours, leash skills, recalls, fancy obedience exercises and lots of distractions from fellow participants. We show you how fun training your dog can truly be and, as with many of our long-time clients, you might never want to leave!
We keep the price low to encourage participation in this five week course.
Students must have worked with us previously in a group class or through private lessons to attend.
All levels are supported and everyone learns to bring out the best in where they are at.
This course is not suitable for fearful or reactive dogs.
Our next class starts September 7th, at 10:30 am to 11:30 am.
Cost is $150+gst
Contact us to register.