Separation anxiety is a common behavioural problem we get enquiries into, and refers to a stress response a dog exhibits when a dog is away from her beloved people. It can manifest itself in a number of ways:
- Destructive chewing on house hold objects (and especially the windows and door/exit areas of the home)
- Excessive and prolonged vocalization
- A loss of control over bowel and bladder
- Stress behaviours like extreme panting, drooling, dilated pupils, and “sweaty” paws
- Exaggerated excitement when the human returns home
Separation anxiety is a complex issue to work through and can affect both the human and the dog’s quality of life. Something as simple as running to the store for groceries can cause an anxiety attack in afflicted dogs. It is one of the biggest reasons dogs are given up for adoption, as people feel they have no solution for a problem that occurs only when they are not present.

Treatment for this disorder requires a thoughtful behavioural modification program, based on gradual desensitization and departure protocols that keep the dog under threshold. In many cases anxiolytic drug therapy can greatly assist in the treatment process and is encouraged.
We refer our clients out for separation anxiety cases as this is not a behavioural issue we have expertise in. Our favourite local behaviourist, Julia Morton, is a fully certified behaviour consultant specializing in separation anxiety cases. Julia has her CDBC through the International Association of Animal Behaviour Consultants. Her 8 week program is thoughtfully created to educate and support clients through the training process:
For people on Facebook, there are also two fantastic groups for both puppy and adult dog households struggling with this anxiety disorder, run by leading expert, Julie Naismith:
The training time and cost invested into resolving separation anxiety will lead to a much happier dog (and human!) and will prepare affected dogs for life’s daily challenges that require humans to be away from the home. Getting the right support is important so that people and their dogs achieve success, and lead a happier life together – and apart!