Zen Dog's False Creek Adult Dog Training

Fine tune. Grow. Enrich. Your Adult Dog in False Creek.

As your canine companion grows and develops, you embark on a never-ending journey filled with new aspirations and challenges to overcome. It’s a journey not unlike our own, where evolution is constant and the desire for growth persists. At Zen Dog Canine Training, we’re firm believers in the notion that the learning curve for our furry friends is infinite.

Why Opt for Dog Training Classes?

The moment you decided to welcome that adorable bundle of joy into your home, whether it was a tiny pup or a rescue dog, you began dreaming of the adventures you’d share together. Imagining leisurely strolls through the False Creek neighborhood, pausing for a coffee break, or enjoying a game of fetch by the water’s edge. You yearned for those seamless social encounters, those relaxed leash walks, and the liberty of off-leash explorations.

Dog training classes represent a significant milestone in the journey you and your dog undertake together. Our services for adult dogs are designed to foster team development, offering the knowledge required for you to be the ultimate companion for your cherished dog. This process kicks off with setting clear, attainable objectives.

Perhaps you’re looking to modify certain dog behaviors, or maybe you’re simply after more enjoyable moments with your dog, aiming to strengthen the bond you share. Whatever your goals, we’re here to support you through this transformative phase!

For those in the False Creek area, we provide two tiers of obedience group courses, coupled with a monthly social walking club that connects dogs and their owners.

False Creek Dog Training Classes: Level One

Our Level One Life Skills course is the crème de la crème of our introductory obedience training, blending game-based and obedience-centric exercises with positive reinforcement techniques. This six-week journey commences with a virtual class before transitioning to four outdoor group sessions, offering ample space for mastering those crucial life skills. The grand finale? A field trip! We gather in a vibrant urban setting to apply our training in real-life scenarios, showcasing the practicality of our lessons.

In Life Skills, we delve into management strategies crucial for dog behavior; discuss nutrition and wellness for mental and physical well-being; advocate for compassionate leadership so you lead the pack; explore reinforcement tactics using markers for clarity; promote toy play to fortify bonds; introduce engagement games to tackle distractions; incorporate settling exercises for indoor and outdoor calmness; cover responsible leash walking techniques; and engage in recall games.

False Creek Dog Training Classes: Level Two

Our Skills and Drills class is our pride and joy, dedicated to students ready to elevate their dog’s training through comprehensive proofing exercises. This class transitions learned behaviors into fluent, maintainable actions.

The Skills and Drills Power Hour is an exhilarating, bond-strengthening session that leaves both dogs and handlers thoroughly satisfied. We focus on enhancing toy play, perfecting stationary behaviors, refining leash skills, polishing recalls, and introducing advanced obedience exercises amidst a plethora of distractions. Training becomes an absolute delight, and it’s not uncommon for our seasoned clients to stick around for the long haul!

False Creek Sunday Morning Dog Walking Club

Zen Dog Canine Training also offers a delightful escape through our Sunday Morning Walking Club, a monthly rendezvous that promises a structured social outing for dogs and their humans. These on-leash walks are an excellent opportunity for everyone to socialize and enjoy a respite from regular training.

The Upside of Dog Classes

Dogs thrive on learning. They relish the chance to employ their breed-specific traits, earning reinforcement and accolades; it’s about feeling integrated and comprehended. Dogs are, to a significant extent, reflections of our knowledge and how we navigate them through their existence. Through education, we can broaden their horizons, enriching their lives and ours in the process.

We’re dedicated to unlocking the full potential of your dog by making learning an enjoyable and productive endeavor.