Zen Dog's Dunbar-Southlands Puppy Training

Turn Chaos into Puppy Perfection - in Dunbar-Southlands.

The initial year of puppy parenthood in Dunbar-Southlands is a roller coaster of emotions and challenges as you embark on the journey of nurturing your furry bundle of joy into a poised and sociable adult dog. It might seem as though you’ve taken in a pint-sized shark, a fervent digger of gardens, or perhaps a whirlwind of energy straining at the leash. Alternatively, your little one might find the vast world somewhat intimidating, hesitating to dive into the bustling life of Dunbar-Southlands. Especially during the first few exploratory months, it’s a dual journey of discovering what your puppy requires and arming yourself with the knowledge to fulfill those needs. Who could have guessed that puppies were such complex creatures?

The silver lining is that this whirlwind of chaos and uncertainty can be sculpted into the epitome of puppy excellence. This transformation is made possible by learning vital life skills and obtaining coaching that caters to both of your needs during this pivotal first year.

Dunbar-Southlands Puppy Training Classes

Enter stage right, us! With our comprehensive selection of both private and group puppy training sessions, you’ll find comfort and clarity with a training roadmap that grows with your puppy. This way, you both can bask in the enchantment of these moments together.

Understanding your puppy begins with you grasping their perspective! Viewing early puppy training as an investment in your future adult dog is wise, as the lessons learned in puppyhood tend to stick for life. Through our Dunbar-Southlands Puppy Class lineup, we’re here to support you from the tender age of 8 weeks up to the ripe age of 12 months. Our suite includes various puppy development group classes and private course options to cater to every need. Many of our clients from Dunbar-Southlands find a blend of both private and group sessions beneficial, addressing personalized needs at home while also enjoying the dynamic of learning among peers.

Zen Dog Canine Training presents a wide array of Puppy Training Classes, available as both private coaching sessions and group classes. No matter your requirements, experience level, or constraints in time and mobility, we’ve got an option for everyone – and every puppy. Whether you make your way to us or we come to you, assistance is just around the corner!

Zen Dog Puppy Socialization Classes

Our Puppy Socialization Classes unfold over a seven-lesson Puppy Kindergarten Class, spanning six weeks with two virtual sessions and five in-person group classes. We’ll delve into puppy-centric topics to help you steer through all your puppy’s foundational needs and initial education in a succinct and engaging manner. Topics include marker training, early socialization, health and wellness, tackling issues like biting, crate training, chewing, potty training, toy play, choosing the right equipment, body awareness, grooming, early training exercises – and, importantly, securing a peaceful night’s sleep!

Once the puppy socialization window closes (typically around 16 weeks), we’re here to shepherd you through the subsequent phases – particularly the critical adolescent milestone with its unique set of challenges (and occasional frustrations). This is when we take the learning outdoors! Our Zen Puppy Grade One and Zen Puppy Grade Two classes build upon Kindergarten, transitioning into more advanced puppy education to cultivate confidence and crucial skills for real-world navigation.

Continued Early Puppy Development Classes

Puppy Grade One hones in on initial leash manners, managing distractions outdoors, mastering polite street greetings, perfecting the crucial recall command for future off-leash adventures, impulse control (think: squirrels and unattended sandwiches), and fortifying the bond to ensure you remain your puppy’s hero. This course is designed for puppies on the cusp of adolescence.

Puppy Grade Two targets the adolescent puppy with a dynamic and playful approach to your relationship. We emphasize choice-based training (a must for the teenage pup) and offer strategies to navigate the turbulent transition period that typically hits around the 6 to 8-month mark, varying by breed. The focus shifts towards play and attention exercises, encouraging your puppy to engage with you from a distance and explore a modicum of safely managed independence.

In-home Private Puppy Training Classes

For those in Dunbar-Southlands seeking a more personalized training experience, our Zen Puppy Jump Start is a condensed essence of our Dunbar-Southlands Puppy Kindergarten Class. Jump Start zeroes in on the core exercises necessary for developing exemplary social, leash, and off-leash manners, alongside discussions on all pertinent puppy topics pertinent to daily life.

If you’re on the lookout for Dunbar-Southlands puppy training services, look no further! We’re flexible with your schedule and learning preferences, committed to supporting you throughout this journey. With over two decades of puppy rearing expertise, we’re eager to pass on our wisdom to you!

Turn Chaos into Puppy Perfection.

The first year comes with many challenges as you take on the task of raising your puppy into a confident and well-socialized adult dog. You might feel like you are dealing with a baby shark; a backyard excavator; or a Tasmanian devil on-leash.

You can turn that chaos into perfection through learning essential life skills that support both you and your puppy through the first critical year. You will gain perspective and reassurance through a training plan that evolves alongside your puppy so you can enjoy this magical time together.

What puppies learn first they learn best. We give you support from 8 weeks through to 12 months with our line-up of puppy development group classes as well as private course options.
We work with your schedule and learning style, and are with you for the long haul. With more than two decades of baby dog experience behind us, we've got your puppy pains covered!