Zen Dog's Kerrisdale Puppy Training

Turn Chaos into Puppy Perfection - in Kerrisdale.

Embarking on the journey through the first year with your furry bundle of joy, you’ll find yourself navigating through the tempestuous waters of puppyhood in Kerrisdale. You may have a pint-sized land shark on your hands, a digger of epic proportions turning your backyard into a network of tunnels, or a four-legged whirlwind resembling a Tasmanian devil at the end of a leash. Alternatively, your little one might be on the shy side, taking baby steps in getting acquainted with the bustling life of the urban jungle. The initial months are a whirlwind of discovery, unveiling the intricate dance of meeting your puppy’s needs while arming yourself with the knowledge to be the guiding light in their life.

Would you ever have guessed the complexity hidden within these pint-sized packages?

Fear not, for the stormy seas of puppy chaos can be navigated to reach the serene shores of canine perfection. This transformation is made possible through the acquisition of essential life skills and expert coaching tailored to shepherd you and your furry companion through this pivotal first year.

Kerrisdale Puppy Training Classes

Enter our realm! Dive into our extensive selection of private and group puppy training classes designed to provide perspective, reassurance, and a dynamic training plan that grows with your puppy. Embrace this enchanting chapter together, for mutual understanding is the cornerstone of your burgeoning relationship.

View early puppy training as the foundation of your future adult dog’s behavior. The lessons learned in puppyhood stick like glue, shaping their lifelong habits. Our Kerrisdale Puppy Class selection is your ally from the tender age of 8 weeks up to the 12-month mark, offering a spectrum of puppy development group classes and private sessions tailored to your unique circumstances. Many of our Kerrisdale clients opt for a blend, reaping the benefits of personalized guidance at home while soaking in the collective learning experience of group classes.

Zen Dog Canine Training lays out a smorgasbord of Puppy Training Classes, available both as private coaching sessions and group classes. Whatever your specific needs, constraints, and goals, we have a plethora of options to suit every puppy and every owner. Whether you join us or we bring our expertise to your doorstep, support is always at hand.

Zen Dog Puppy Socialization Classes

Our Puppy Socialization Classes unfold over seven engaging lessons in our Puppy Kindergarten Class. Spanning six weeks with a mix of two virtual sessions and five dynamic in-store group classes, we delve into the essentials of puppyhood. From marker training to early socialization, health and wellness, biting, crate training, chewing, potty training, toy play, equipment, puppy essentials, body awareness, grooming, early training exercises, and the secret to a peaceful night’s sleep – we’ve got it covered.

As your puppy bids farewell to the socialization window (typically around 16 weeks), we’re ready to guide you through the adventures and challenges of adolescence. This is where the real fun begins, taking our lessons outdoors with Zen Puppy Grade One and Zen Puppy Grade Two, seamlessly transitioning from kindergarten to advanced puppy academia. We’re here to bolster confidence and impart crucial skills for thriving in the real world.

Continued Early Puppy Development Classes

Puppy Grade One hones early leash manners, distraction management, polite street greetings, flawless recall for future off-leash escapades, impulse control, and fortifies the bond making you your puppy’s hero. This course is specially designed for puppies on the cusp of adolescence.

Puppy Grade Two zeroes in on the vivacious adolescent puppy, adopting a fast-paced, game-centric approach to reinforce your bond. We dive deeper into choice-based training to navigate the turbulent teen phase, focusing on play and attention games, encouraging your puppy to explore a bit of independence within safe bounds.

In-home Private Puppy Training Classes

For Kerrisdale residents preferring a more intimate setting, our Zen Puppy Jump Start is a concentrated dose of our Kerrisdale Puppy Kindergarten Class. Jump Start zeroes in on essential exercises for stellar social, leash, and off-leash skills, coupled with discussions on pivotal puppy topics for everyday life.

If you’re in search of Kerrisdale puppy training services, look no further! We tailor our services to your schedule and learning preferences, committed to supporting you through this amazing journey. With over two decades of expertise in nurturing puppy potential, we’re eager to share our wisdom with you!

Turn Chaos into Puppy Perfection.

The first year comes with many challenges as you take on the task of raising your puppy into a confident and well-socialized adult dog. You might feel like you are dealing with a baby shark; a backyard excavator; or a Tasmanian devil on-leash.

You can turn that chaos into perfection through learning essential life skills that support both you and your puppy through the first critical year. You will gain perspective and reassurance through a training plan that evolves alongside your puppy so you can enjoy this magical time together.

What puppies learn first they learn best. We give you support from 8 weeks through to 12 months with our line-up of puppy development group classes as well as private course options.
We work with your schedule and learning style, and are with you for the long haul. With more than two decades of baby dog experience behind us, we've got your puppy pains covered!