Zen Dog's Kitsilano Puppy Training

Turn Chaos into Puppy Perfection - in Kitsilano.

Embarking on the first year with your furry little friend in Kitsilano comes with its fair share of adventures and hurdles, as you strive to nurture your pup into a poised and sociable adult canine. You might find yourself wrangling with a pint-sized great white shark, a diminutive digger of the deepest trenches, or perhaps a whirlwind on a leash reminiscent of a pint-sized Tasmanian devil. Alternatively, your puppy could be on the timid side, slightly daunted by the bustling urban life and hesitant to dive into the metropolitan fray. Particularly in the initial months, it’s a journey of discovery, figuring out what your puppy necessitates and the wisdom you need to amass to cater to your new sidekick.

Who would have guessed puppies could be this complex?

Fortunately, there’s a silver lining. You can morph the mayhem and uncertainty into puppy paradise by mastering vital life skills and receiving guidance that will champion both of you through this essential first year.

Kitsilano Puppy Training Classes

This is where we make our grand entrance! With our comprehensive array of private and group puppy training sessions, you’ll gain insights and comfort with a training regimen that grows with your puppy – allowing you two to revel in this enchanting period together.

Understanding your puppy begins with understanding from you! View early puppy training as a cornerstone for your future adult dog: the lessons puppies absorb initially tend to stick with them for life. Through our Kitsilano Puppy Class roster, we offer our support from the tender age of 8 weeks up to the 12-month mark with our diverse puppy development group classes, alongside private course options. Many of our Kitsilano puppy clients opt for a mix of both, meeting their unique needs at home while also benefiting from the dynamics of a group setting.

Zen Dog Canine Training presents an extensive selection of Puppy Training Classes, both in private coaching and group class formats. No matter your needs, experience level, or constraints on time and mobility, we have something for every pup and their human. Whether you prefer us coming to you or vice versa, assistance is at hand!

Zen Dog Puppy Socialization Classes

Our Puppy Socialization Classes unfold over a seven-lesson Puppy Kindergarten Class, spanning six weeks with two zoom sessions and five in-store group classes. We delve into puppy-centric topics that will steer you through navigating your puppy’s foundational needs and early education in a concise and engaging manner. Topics include marker training, early socialization, health and wellness, managing biting, crate training, chewing, potty training, toy play, equipment and other puppy must-haves, body awareness, grooming, initial training exercises – and tips for securing a peaceful night’s sleep!

Once your puppy graduates from the socialization phase (typically around 16 weeks old), we’re there to shepherd you through the subsequent phases – notably the crucial adolescent stage with its share of challenges (and occasional vexations). This is when we venture outdoors! Our Zen Puppy Grade One and Zen Puppy Grade Two classes pick up where Kindergarten ends, transitioning into advanced puppy education that fosters confidence and crucial skills for navigating the real world.

Continued Early Puppy Development Classes

Puppy Grade One hones in on early leash skills, managing distractions outdoors, mastering polite street greetings, the all-important recall for future off-leash adventures, impulse control (for those tempting squirrels and unattended picnic sandwiches), and tools for solidifying your status as your puppy’s hero. This course is tailored for puppies on the cusp of adolescence.

Puppy Grade Two zooms in on the adolescent puppy with a dynamic and playful approach to your bond. We delve deeper into choice-based training (a necessity for the teenage pup) and discuss tactics for navigating the tumultuous 6 to 8 month period, which varies by breed. The focus shifts towards play and attention games, encouraging your puppy to work at a distance from you and explore a safe degree of independence.

In-home Private Puppy Training Classes

For Kitsilano residents preferring a private setting in their home, our Zen Puppy Jump Start is a compact version of our Kitsilano Puppy Kindergarten Class. Jump Start concentrates on the core exercises crucial for developing excellent social, leash, and off-leash skills, in addition to covering all the pertinent puppy subjects that arise in daily life.

If you’re in search of Kitsilano puppy training services, look no further! We tailor our services to fit your schedule and learning preferences, committed to supporting you through the long haul. With over two decades of puppy rearing experience under our belts, we’re eager to share our expertise with you!

Turn Chaos into Puppy Perfection.

The first year comes with many challenges as you take on the task of raising your puppy into a confident and well-socialized adult dog. You might feel like you are dealing with a baby shark; a backyard excavator; or a Tasmanian devil on-leash.

You can turn that chaos into perfection through learning essential life skills that support both you and your puppy through the first critical year. You will gain perspective and reassurance through a training plan that evolves alongside your puppy so you can enjoy this magical time together.

What puppies learn first they learn best. We give you support from 8 weeks through to 12 months with our line-up of puppy development group classes as well as private course options.
We work with your schedule and learning style, and are with you for the long haul. With more than two decades of baby dog experience behind us, we've got your puppy pains covered!